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15 janvier 2019

Hong Kong cruise ports serve 1.7m passengers in 2017

Hong Kong’s two major cruise ports, Kai Tak and Ocean, managed a total of 1.7m travellers in 2017, up four.4% within the previous year, in accordance to air4casts. Even so, above 700,000 cruise travellers were Hong Kong ‘homeporters’ who chose to begin...
21 décembre 2018


眼唇特殊的卸妝油和普通的卸妝油能混合使用嗎? 如果妳也屬於敏感性肌膚的話,超級推介這款積雪草原液(DE46)給妳✩‧₊˚這原液可以說比一般的保濕精華好用、更推介的!! 除護眼產品外,幾乎所有護膚品都在眼睛周圍標明。因為眼睛周圍的皮膚只有臉頰厚度的1/4,非常細膩,容易敏感和疲勞。所有使用眼唇專用卸妝油都是非常必要的。建議不要將眼唇專用卸妝油與普通卸妝油混合使用。 認識我嘅人都知道我由細到大皮膚都好差,又係一個敏感肌女生。以前仲成面暗瘡同玫瑰痤瘡,花咗好長嘅時間去改善皮膚,試過好多保濕精華推介畀敏感肌用嘅護膚品。...
5 décembre 2018


俗話說一分耕耘一分收獲,有付出就會有收獲。但是,收獲與付出的卻不成比例,每個人都想成功。 殊不知我自己不能成功是因為環境影響命運人生的很多方面都與環境息息相關,環境無時無刻不在制約、影響著我們。 那么,接下來就讓天人大師帶我們一起來了解下家中的那些物件影響力我們財運。 爐灶 爐灶是一個家庭中食物烹飪的最主要的工具,食物者財也,故爐灶直接關系到宅主的財運。 風水命理學將爐灶定位為“家居中的火財星”。爐灶不宜受門、窗、尖角、以及水龍頭等的沖射。 否則,易造成中家中錢財不聚,因病災、或是非等之事而損財。...
26 octobre 2018

Los estudiantes y organizaciones Latinx escriben una carta abierta para llamar la atención sobre temas de apoyo institucional e

El artículo no expresa las opiniones o posiciones de los traductores. El artículo es una versión traducida del artículo que se encuentra a continuación: Los estudiantes y organizaciones Latinx publicaron una carta abierta a la comunidad Universitaria...
14 mars 2017

to burst out laughing again

He came in looking as though he had the utmost difficulty not . Behind him Razumihin strode in gawky and awkward, shamefaced and red as a peony, with an utterly crestfallen and ferocious expression. His face and whole figure really were ridiculous at...
24 août 2015

Fleksy keyboard to get major reboot under ThingThing’s dev team

Third party keyboards might seem like an app fad blast from the recent past. But the smartphone keyboard space could be set for a shake up as long time player Fleksy gets a new team working full time on the app. Barcelona-based keyboard startup, ThingThing,...
18 août 2015

Chocolate and Cabernet Sauvignon Italian Cake

Chocolate and Cabernet Sauvignon Italian Cake
Author Notes: Come winter and I love a nice moist chocolate cake to finish off dinner. I learned this recipe at the Cordon Bleu Cookery School in Florence and have adapted it to my taste using a few spices to add a different taste. This chocolate cake...
17 juillet 2015

Broccoli Aglio e Olio with Gremolata Breadcrumbs

Broccoli Aglio e Olio with Gremolata Breadcrumbs
I first had Spaghetti Aglio Olio with Broccoli on a roadtrip to Woodstock, NY with my older sister and her then boyfriend (later husband). I've loved it since. Looking back Dermes, that version was probably nothing special, but as a teenager trying out...
8 juillet 2015

Jordan Retro : nouvelles couleurs ou OG ?

Jordan Retro : nouvelles couleurs ou OG ?
Ce samedi, Jordan Brand est en baisse le rétro 8 s chez le ? Citrus ? ou ? Phoenix Suns ? colorway, suscitant le débat séculaire entre look... tu préfères nouvelles couleurs ou les couleurs d'origine en Retro Jordans ? Réfléchissez à ceci... parmi les...
19 mai 2015

Garden Mule Cocktail

Garden Mule Cocktail
This is the easiest dinner you could possibly make. Add some crushed red pepper for a little kick and please mathconcept, please, please freshly grind your pepper! - Jenny Goycochea Food52 Review: This recipe is the embodiment of five ingredient perfection!...
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