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27 février 2014

Risotto Patty with Prosciutto and Egg and Pesto

Risotto Patty with Prosciutto and Egg and Pesto
I am the world’s lousiest recipe name giver. When I think about food there is always a fantastical backdrop, the stage is littered with metaphor and simile, and sometimes reckless exaggeration trips the actors up (although they don’t mind). The colors...
24 octobre 2013

Townsend says joke a compliment

Townsend says joke a compliment
Andros Townsend has said the comment from England manager Roy Hodgson that prompted a racism row should be viewed as a "compliment". Hodgson came under fire after press reports he'd told a racially offensive joke at half-time during England's 2-0 win...
4 septembre 2013

FIFA's landmark Israel-Palestinian talks

FIFA's landmark Israel-Palestinian talks
Israeli and Palestinian football chiefs shook hands Tuesday in landmark talks brokered by FIFA in a drive to end bitter disputes over security restrictions on players going to and from the Palestinian territories. The closed-door meeting between Palestinian...
7 août 2013

Stakes high in final Super Rugby round

Stakes high in final Super Rugby round
The battle for the crucial top playoff berths comes down to Super Rugby's final round - and probably final game - of the regular season this weekend. Ten of the last 12 champions have been the top qualifiers, a position the Bulls will claim if they win...
15 juillet 2013

Clubs fined over NRL salary cap breaches

Clubs fined over NRL salary cap breaches
The NRL's salary cap review can't come soon enough after seven clubs were on Friday slapped with fines totalling more than half a million dollars for a range of cap breaches in 2012. Cronulla and Canberra were hit the hardest with fines of $150,000 and...
9 juillet 2013

Dragons can't sook over Soward: Fien

Dragons can't sook over Soward: Fien
St George Illawarra's Nathan Fien says there's no point pondering whether former halves partner Jamie Soward would have made a difference in the NRL club's recent slump. The Dragons are 15th on the table ahead of Saturday's clash with the Sydney Roosters,...
8 janvier 2013


這個關於浪漫的故事得從一個地方說起,當年黃磊自編自導了一步電視劇名字叫做“似水年華”,而拍攝這部電視劇的地方就變成了神聖浪漫邂逅的聖地,這個地方叫做-烏鎮。電視劇播出不久後,我獨自一個人去了烏鎮,想過去過烏鎮的朋友應該都知道,在沿著河道行走的路上會有一個凸字形的長廊,那長廊白色的牆面因為年代的關係已經變成灰色。有遊客在上面寫著各種各樣的話,有求愛的、表白的、山盟海誓的等等應有盡有。當時我突發奇想也在牆面上寫下了幾個字,而且默默的記住了這幾個字在牆面上所處的一個位置。 回來之後不久認識一個女孩,一個跟我一樣喜歡烏鎮、很歡黃磊、很喜歡那部電視劇的女孩。從那後我們相約說一定要一起去一趟烏鎮看我在牆面上寫的那四個字。但是由於種種原因,這個約定到了我們分手也還沒有兌現過。過了幾年後的一個晚上,我突然接到她的一個電話,電話當中很吵雜,她說她在看劉若英的演唱會-《原來你也在這裡》,她讓我在電話中聽完了整首歌,當時我很感動,因為我從來沒有告訴她我當年在烏鎮那面牆上寫了那幾個字就是“原來你也在這裡”,這代表著她後來去過烏鎮並且找到了我寫的那一句話,雖然跟她去的已經不是我,但是這樣的互動還是讓我有一種說不出的感覺。...
12 décembre 2012


我們都在心中上放映著一部部電影。何不放一部快樂的電影,讓心情變得積極。自我中心的名人會要求稱讚,而自尊心強的人卻不會。因為相信自己的價值,所以不需要他人的稱讚。如果想人生是快樂的,會怎麼樣呢?即使現在還不快樂,你也一定在努力讓人生變得快樂。無論遇到什麼樣的困難,都會找到克服困難的方法吧。內在的批判者會拘泥於“過去”和“失敗”, 但是你應該把注意力放在“現在”和“成功”。不可以與內在的批判者妥協。那是你最大的敵人。犯了錯誤,不要苛責自己,而要用心從失誤中學習。如果說有不犯錯誤的人,那一定是什麼也不做的人。對於善意,我們應該銘記的是什麼呢?那就是,“善意可以傳遞”。你善待了他人,...
6 décembre 2012


相信有很多MM和我一樣都深為痘痘所苦,為如何祛痘苦惱的時,也不知道如何去護理自己脆弱的痘痘肌,有人選擇放任不理,更有許多痘友們採用了錯誤的護膚方法,這些都容易造成肌膚永久的困擾與瑕疵。所以在保養上要特別注意。今天有時間跟大家分享下我這個草根的痘肌保養秘訣。 1、 去油不等於清潔油性肌膚愛長痘,這誰都知道,可有些MM大概也會犯和我一樣的錯誤。以前我一直認為只要去了油,皮膚的痘痘就會減少,於是使用強烈潔淨效果的潔面產品,然後再使用收斂水吸乾臉上的油脂,最後再擦上無油的清爽面霜,可後來發現,不但問題解決不了,反而除了更多的油,皮膚受損更厲害,因為這類產品裡往往都含有酒精。所以,正確的做法是,選擇溫和的液態或啫喱的潔面產品,洗臉時,要絕對輕柔,打出豐富的泡沫,然後集中清洗T區和下巴,臉頰一帶而過,不要反复的揉搓臉頰,否則時間長了容易使皮膚變薄而抵抗力更差,變成敏感性的痘痘肌就更加麻煩了。2、...
16 novembre 2012

Bikini Atol

This is a rum-based variation on an Old Fashioned. I've been making a roasted pineapple syrup for tropical-leaning aquavit and gin sours and thought, "Why not just stir a spoonful into some dark rum for a very subtly fruity, summery take on an Old FaShioned-style...
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